Saturday, November 26, 2011

Meet Sergiu

As the saying goes, "You could have heard a pin drop" in chapel this past Wednesday.  Our guest speaker was Sergiu, a young Roma leader attending the Gypsy Smith School this week.  He gave his testimony to the 5th-8th grades.  As Sergiu told about being burned as a child and having to be in the burn unit of a hospital, the Ruth students were quiet and attentive.  He told of other children in the unit dying and how scared he was.  He found peace in his faith in God.  It was a wonderful moment to see a Roma man, certainly a role model, sharing his love of God with our students.  Thank you Sergiu for being willing to share.  Thank you God for loving Sergiu and healing him years ago so he could use his life to serve you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Laundry as a Ministry

Brittany and Anna clowning around with the iron.
Laundry is probably one of my least favorite household duties.  That is especially true in Europe because I do not have an electric clothes dryer.  Wet clothes are hung on drying racks and of course that also means more things have to be ironed.  (another least favorite activity)  I had volunteered to help the kitchen workers so they could concentrate on hot lunches for the students.

"Can you help with the laundry?" 

"Sure I don't need to speak Romanian very well to do that!"

You can imagine the look on my face when I saw the mountain of laundry that needed to be done at Project Ruth (PR)!  We have a dormitory for our volunteers and guests.  We have had several since this summer and no laundry had been done in a while.  Then when it was explained that the Romanians like their sheets IRONED (!) I really shook my head.  I was excited though because PR has an electric clothes dryer but then I found out it can only be used after the kids have gone home because otherwise it throws the electrical circuits.  Arrrgh!  So Anna, Brittany, and I took turns washing, hanging up the sheets, and then ironing.  It took a week but we got it done!  We also joked around and actually had a fun time.

Ministry takes on many different forms here.  Humbly I realized that for me washing and ironing sheets was a way to serve the Lord.  Thank you Lord for the lesson.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chapel time at the Ruth School has been embraced wholeheartedly!  The kids enthusiastically sing and most of the time they sit quietly for the Bible story.  As the students become more familiar with the music we have asked them to help lead.  Can you name the tune in the video?  Does it sound like "Our God is an Awesome God"?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Other Duties As Assigned...

Anna on the left
Anna on the right
Student.Go is a program through CBF for college and seminary students to fulfill a call for ministry during their summer breaks or semesters.  We have had wonderful experiences with our "Student.Go'ers" through the years.  This semester is no exception.  Anna Holladay came to us and Project Ruth from Louisville, KY to serve for three months.  Her official title is Ministry Assistant but what does that mean?  As we've come to see it means something different every day.  Anna in her 'can do' attitude has stepped in and helped whatever the need.  We have begun to call it "other duties as assigned."  She has scanned hundreds of pictures in preparation for PR's 20th anniversary celebration, washed many dishes during our Gypsy Smith School week, participated in telling the stories in chapel, entertained volunteer teams, planned English Club, and the list goes on and on.  The Ruth School students are quick to give her a hug and the staff is grateful for her dedication in helping out.  We are grateful for Anna's willingness to go where God leads.

Are you interested in the Student.GO experience?  Or know someone that would be?  Take a look at for more information