Wednesday, March 10, 2010

15 Years of Ministry Among the Roma in Hungary

How's that saying go? "Times flies when you're having fun." 15 years ago the end of February we packed up our family and moved to Hungary. The Hungarian Baptist Union invited CBF to help with ministry among the Roma. Amy was seven and Josh was five when we arrived in the village of Derecske. There we were loved and supported by families in the local Baptist church. The Kiss family and Saska family became like our own. We slowly began to learn the language and culture. Our first efforts among the Romany were in the village of Pocsaj where we met in homes, the local police station, an abandoned movie theater, and finally an old house renovated into a place of worship and refuge. The ministry grew from there as the Baptist Union and individuals within local churches embraced the calling to reach this people group within their borders.
Today the Hungarian Baptist Union has hired a full-time Roma Ministries Coordinator and has a committee that overseas the ministry efforts. There are 24 Roma churches with eight trained Roma leaders. The churches have their own worship style that includes music led with guitars and Roma language praise songs. It is a life changing moment when the Roma hear God loves them, the Gypsies.
We are privileged to walk along side committed, faithful Christians - Roma and Hungarian - who desire to share the Good News with their friends, neighbors, and brothers. It has been a great 15 years and we're looking forward to what God has in store for the next 15.
Thank you for supporting us through prayers, friendship, financial gifts, volunteering, and many other ways.


Scott Ford said...

Congratulations on 15 years! Wonderful pics! Thank you SO much for your ongoing work and ministry. Thank you.

csuhaizita said...

Mi is nagyon örülünk, hogy itt vagytok köztünk és munkálkodtok a roma nép között! Isten áldja meg az életeteket!