Monday, October 15, 2012

Emerywood - Olympics, Sports, Jewelry, and Teaching Tips - Day 1

The day dawned cool and foggy. However, the sun soon popped out and the games began. The 1st and 2nd graders competed with each other in the first round of the Olympics. They raced around the cones and their laughter was heard through the neighborhood. While over at the Naomi Center a group of women learned how to make beautiful jewelry with just a few simple steps. The afternoon was spent teaching basketball skills to 5th and 6th grade boys while the girls (and a couple of adventuresome boys) made necklaces and ping pong games. Meanwhile the Ruth School teachers were fine tuning the new assertive discipline program and learning new ways to control their classrooms. To some one casually observing it may have looked like chaos but it was a great day with teachers, students, and their moms getting special attention. Today the love of Christ was shown with hugs, basketball hoops, and pats on the back.

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