Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Learning about Mark & Genesis" Gypsy Smith in January

"Evangelia, evangelia..."  A favorite song of the Gypsy Smith students means "Good news, good news."  This week one could hear the words of the song being sung with gusto from the library of the Ruth School.  24 men from around Romania, leaders in Romany churches, were gathered for a week of studying the books of Mark and Genesis.  During their breaks a guitar would appear and soon the men would be singing "the good news brings power, power..."
Tyler Tankerseley, 2nd Baptist Church, Liberty, MO, and Tiger Pennington, FBC, North Kansas City, MO led the men through the daily sessions with scripture reading and thought provoking questions.  Harold Phillips, CBF Heartland's (formerly CBF Missouri) also helped out by filling in whatever gaps were needed. Most days this included washing over 200 bowls in the Ruth School lunchroom!

Despite the language differences, the conversations and fellowship continued around the lunch tables as the Roma and American men challenged each other in their Christian walk.
The temperatures outside were frigid but the camaraderie inside was warm and inviting.  Thank you CBF Heartland for helping with the Gypsy Smith School.
Spreading the Good News...


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