Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Girl Did It!

Our daughter, Amy Lee Stocks Gallaher, graduated with her Masters in Divinity from Campbell University Divinity School this past weekend.  We were the proud parents - especially when she surprised us with the news that she was graduating with distinction (honors).  Ralph was honored to bring her hood forward during the ceremony.  It was a great moment for all of us.  We also give thanks to the scholarship program CBF offers for young leaders.  Amy Lee, you go girl!  Eight years at Campbell comes to an end and your bright, exciting future begins!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Easter! Paste Felicit!

Ralph and me with the Flowering Cross
Romania follows the Orthodox calendar for Easter. Which means we celebrated our Lord's Resurrection yesterday, May 5.  It felt like we were in a time warp or an altered universe since most of the world celebrated six weeks ago.  No  matter the date, it was a beautiful celebration on a warm, sunny day. 

Like churches around the world, our Romanian church had different services throughout Holy Week.  On Good Friday or Big Friday as it
The Cast
translates here, the youth did a play to tell the story of Jesus.  Two wisemen arrived in Jerusalem 33 years too late.  They had wandered the desert lost on their way to greet Baby Jesus.  The story is their encounters with various people Jesus knew.  They did a great job.  (I helped with the costumes.  Thanks to a donation of old draperies to Project Ruth that we were able to refashion into Biblical dress.)

Easter Sunday morning the usual greeting of "Pace" (peace)  between church goers was changed to "Cristos a inviat!" (Christ has risen) and one responds back "Adevarat a inviat!" (It's true He's risen).  The service was full of poems and beautiful music from the choir and mandolin orchestra.  Church members had been invited to bring a flower to decorate a cross.  The Flowering Cross represents the new life that comes from Christ.  It is a dramatic moment when the doors open and the cross is presented.  This year we also celebrated by taking family pictures.  It was a joyous celebration.  Cristos a inviat!  Adevarat a inviat!