Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Roma Missions Weekend

On Saturday, 2/16/08, the Roma Missions Committee held their quarterly meeting. This is when they discuss strategies, make plans, affirm each other, offer advice, and whatever else needs to be done. It was a very productive meeting.

On Sunday the leaders spread out across the city to speak in various Hungarian Baptist churches to ask for prayer and support for the Roma of Hungary. We took our guests Tibi and Natasha Lakatos and Tibor Joni to our Hungarian partner's, Tivadar Szegedi' church. After a great meal in Tivadar and Zsuzsa's home we were off to the Csobanka Roma church. The Roma leaders encouraged the members to reach out and bring about healing to the others that have fallen away. The church is going through tough times.

On Monday we had to go by the Bible League headquarters here for Tibi and Tibor to pick up Bibles for their small but growing rapidly congregations in northeast Hungary. Then we spent the rest of the day touring Budapest, eating bean goulash, and freezing in the cold as we walked around. Lots of work and ministry was accomplished as well as a time of rest and relaxation.

Please continue to pray for the Roma Mission of Hungary as we partner together to bring the Good News to the Romany.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Women Bonding

Everyone talks about Male Bonding... I recently experienced Female Bonding that crosses cultural boundaries and is evident despite differences in languages.

Saturday was a regular meeting of the Roma leaders. We invited one of the men, Tibi, to bring his wife, Natasa, to spend the weekend with us. They have carried most of the burden of a building renovation (changing a house into a place of worship) in their village of Szakmercserke. We wanted to give them some much needed R&R.

While Tibi and Ralph were in the meeting Natasa and I headed to the Csuhai house. (Jozsi was in the meeting too) Zita Csuhai had invited a Hungarian friend to join us too. I spent most of the day teaching the ladies several American recipes. (Zita had been asking me to do this for a long time) We learned how to make chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, cheese balls, pigs in a blanket, and a sour cream dip. As I measured with American utensils, Zita took the flour, sugar, whatever and measured it the Hungarian way. We made ourselves sick from munching on the food throughout the day.

This day was more than cooking and eating. It was four women talking about life - raising children, shopping for good prices, keeping house, weight, hormones, and about the challenges we face. An American, two Hungarians, and a Roma - all laughing and having a great time together with the common bond of womanhood. Isn't God great to make us so wonderfully and fearfully???

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Help Wanted. Young, Energetic Workers Needed.

Below is an invitation to join Georgia CBF in a short-term mission trip to assist us in an English camp for the students at the Gandhi School. We take the top, specially chosen students to a nearby camp for English learning, games, fellowship, good food, and most importantly, an opportunity to see Christ through those serving. Look at our blog dated July 4, 2008 to see pictures of last year's camp. Take a glance at the website and please consider being a part of this adventure.
**Note there can be some flexibility in attending the organziational meetings if you are too far away. Access to a phone for conference calls would be a plus.

Hungary Mission Trip
You are invited to join others on a mission trip to Hungary on May13-23, 2008. Serving alongside CBF Field Personnel, a team of 6-10people will lead a five-day English camp for Roma (a.k.a. Gypsy) highschool students. Visit for more information orcontact Scott Ford at or 478.72.1191 ext 28. The website notes a February 13 application deadline which is somewhat flexible. Just call or email soon to get involved.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

3 More Years! 3 More Years!

No, it's not a political chant - it's Ralph and me shouting about our residence permits! We were granted 3 more years! It is an answered prayer. The missionary grapevine here is full of stories about others being granted varying amounts of time. We had hoped for more than 1 year so we wouldn't need to renew in the middle of our off-field assignment next year. That would have been a hardship. Thanks for praying!

**Josh was only given through the end of June. They said since he was graduating that is all he needed. Now how did they know he was going back to the US for university??