Monday, July 29, 2013

Club is FUN!

What to do on a lazy summer morning in the countryside of Romania? Perhaps this was pondered by many kids during this hot time of the year but for a few days in July the children in Stoborasti and Tufeni had plenty to entertain them. CBF's Student.GO team provided Club activities, similar to Vacation Bible School in the USA, to help the children in the local Baptist church have fun, learn Bible stories, and create some great memories. With interactive Bible stories about Joshua and Jericho, Daniel in the lion's den, Queen Esther, and Jesus feeding the 5,000 the kids learned of God's love and care. These stories were followed up with crafts and snacks. The morning ended with games like balloon squat and hula hoop relay. The favorite game was anything involving water balloons! It was a memorable week.

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