Monday, July 20, 2015

Ode to Kids' Club Dr Suess Style

The youth from FBC, Kernersville, NC spent a week in Romania doing Kids' Clubs - better known as Vacation Bible School in the USA.  As we arrived at each location it was always a surprise to see the venue.  Where would Club be held this time?
Could you, would you do Kids’ Club this week?
It really, really would be quite a treat.
Yes, yes we could do that task
We’re pretty sure it would be a blast.
Could you, would you at the Ruth school?
Of course that would be really cool!
How about in a park? Or under a tree?
Happily with shouts of glee!
To the Roma kids we’ll teach a Bible story of old
And crafts from paper, treated like gold.
Could you, would you on stage?
Why yes, and our music will be all the rage!

How about the local Roma church?
With water balloons for play, we’ll not leave you in the lurch
At the school, in the street
We’re ready for any feat.
At the church, in the park
God’s call is not a lark.
At the bandstand, under the tree
Seeds planted we will see.
Children will laugh and play
And God’s love will win the day.

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