Friday, July 6, 2007

Backyard Bible Camp

Tomorrow (Saturday 7/7/07 - a lucky day! But who needs luck??) the youth team from Rosalind Hills Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA arrives. (By the way - the pastor is Ralph's brother, Tom) After a day of adjustment in Bp we will head to Zahony, near the Ukraine border in northeast Hungary. The team will spend the week providing Backyard Bible camp for the Roma children in the villages of Berencs and Kekcse. Please pray for them this coming week asking God for traveling safety, patience, energy, and all the grace needed to minister among many kids in the warm summer temps. Pray for our translators, Edit and Ellod. Pray we can all be the presence of Christ and show these kids God's love through our actions, stories, hugs, and the attention they so crave.

1 comment:

Kevin Meadows said...

Hey Guys,
Praying for the team! I know you have had a great week and we are praying for your safe return to Roanoke. Thanks for what you are doing!