Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gandhi & Campbell - Day 2

Today could have been titled: How to Entertain Teenagers on a Rainy Day in a Small Space. The weather did not cooperate. It was rainy and cold with a a gusty breeze. This did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Gandhi nor the Campbell students. The Super Hero English lessons went smoother with more participation as the leaders grew more comfortable and the students grew bolder. The normal outdoor activities gave way to bracelet making, Wii playing, cards, folk dancing, assembling a puzzle, purse making from bandannas (the genius idea of Shirley Womble), movie watching, and of course, lots and lots of English conversation. We kept the food coming and the hot water pot full for tea and hot chocolate. The day ended with devotions led by Savi on the Bible Hero, Moses. Savi began his story time by saying, "Jo Estet!" which means good evening in Hungarian. The kids broke out in cheers and clapping. My favorite moment was watching the girls, eager to share their culture, teach Anna how to do a Roma dance. Despite the rain and gloomy skies, the day was filled with fun.

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