Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's the Little Things...

Celebrate with us - the Blinds men came! We live on the 6th floor of a 9 story building surrounded by equally tall buildings. Our windows had no shades, blinds, or curtains. At night we could clearly see into the windows of the apartments across the street so we figured they could see us too. Knowing the days of sunshine are long in the summer we opted to have blinds put in.

The Blinds men came and installed vertical blinds on most of our windows. This meant we no longer had to prop a mattress across the glass. The best part was they came with their own vacuum so as they drilled it sucked up the dust! It is truly the little things in life that make one smile...

1 comment:

News From The Front Porch said...

Congratulations on having blinds installed. How's the heat in your building?