Saturday, October 20, 2012

Emerywood - Final Day

It was hard to believe the final day was upon us. The week had flown by with the many activities organized by the Emerywood team. Even though it was the last day the team still greeted the students and teachers with great enthusiasm! The 7th and 8th graders had Olympic games while the 3rd grade class had their turn at the Skittles game and a craft. Our teaching consultants tied up a few loose ends by meeting with the principal and a few teachers. Then it was time for Closing Ceremonies. As each class came to lunch they were greeted with praise for a job well done. Each student's name was called out and with claps they received a Scoala Rut (Ruth School) sticker and a medal for participating in the week's activities. The fun didn't stop there! Lunch was chips and hot dogs (both a rarity in the menu cycle) and a chance to sit to view a slide show of pictures of the week.

Thank you Emerywood for sharing of yourselves with the Ruth School students and staff, and the Naomi women. They will talk about these days for a long time as they proudly wear their medals, earrings, and purses. They will remember the hugs, smiles, and pats on the back. As the staff implements the suggestions made by the teaching consultants your influence will hopefully be seen for years to come as Project Ruth continues to serve the underprivileged in the Ferentari community. This week you were the hands and feet of Christ. Blessings to the team and to the church for their support.


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