Monday, November 16, 2009

Ruth Staff Appreciation Day 1 - Surprise!

The staff at Project Ruth were tickled, we actually heard a few giggles, when they saw the signs posted throughout their two buildings saying "our staff is the best", "you are a blessing", "thank you for teaching/working here" and other messages of encouragement. The sign in the picture says "Our Cooks are #1". We also handed out Smiley Face magnets with notes that said, "Smile, God Loves You!" The teachers wanted to know what we were doing for the students and smiled when we said, "Nothing, this week is just for you." The staff at Project Ruth works tirelessly, humbly, and often sacrificially to teach and serve the Roma of this run-down, poverty-stricken, trash-strewn neighborhood of Bucharest.
They deserve to hear, "We appreciate You" much more often than we say it. Tomorrow will be fun too, as we offer a special tea time with fancy food. Clista and I can't wait!

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