Monday, June 14, 2010

Random Thought...

I sat there in the hair dresser's chair with the thought running through my head, "What was I THINKING?!" I was taking hair cutting advice from my husband, the man who lets people take shears to his head? One of the challenges of living cross-culturally is our average life activities - grocery buying, car servicing, copy making, and for me - hair cuts. Since we relocated to the other side of town I've been through 4 beauticians - complicated stories as to why they each didn't work out. It is stressful and I know my women friends are all nodding their heads in agreement. We women are fiercely possessive about our hair dressers! Ralph had recently visited Babi and highly recommended her.

So there I sat as "Babi" threw the cape on me and prepared to hack away. Luckily for me Babi was a kind, talkative, and very experienced beautician and she took it as a challenge to not only style my hair and "knock 20 years off my age" (her words not mine!) but she also was determined to learn as much as possible about me and why we live in Hungary. Despite my miserable Hungarian, I think Babi enjoyed our conversation. And I think she did a great job on my hair. Thankful to the Lord for small answers to prayers.

Now, I'm on a roll and off to see if I can find a nice clerk at the pharmacy....

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